28 February 2006

I am teetering on the brink of buying the new Corinne Bailey Rae album. I like it but BB thinks it's only ok. Ah well - who cares. I shall buy it anyway from iTunes with BB's credit card. Hee, hee.

Pancake day today and we shall celebrate with salmon and dill in a bechamel sauce for the savoury version and Nutella with strawberries for the sweet. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Nothing exciting to report from work. BB has his second hospital appointment today so hopefully there will be some news. I haven't heard anything yet which probably means the prognosis is good.

Have converted another person to Ho Yan Ho cure-all tea. It's a miracle!

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How did J's second hospital appointment go? From the Johns Hopkins site, all the vasculitis conditions seem quite serious.
Well, they took out his stitches from his biopsy yesterday. The doctor doesn't seem to think it's anything serious and was just caused by his chest infection earlier in the week. No test results yet though - not for a couple of weeks. But the rash cleared up very well according to the doctor.
Just stumbled on your blog. My son had what sounds like v similar symptoms a couple of years ago. Was diagnosed as Henoch Schonlein Purpura - postviral vasculitis (bleeding of small blood vessels which causes pain and rash). Freaked myself out with Google (use with care!) but in the end took him to homoeopath who built his immune system back up/protected his kidneys etc. Anyway - in spite of dire warnings he's been fine ever since.
I know! Googling symptoms is a BAD thing. Unfortunately, my man is resistant to anything in the alternative medicine field but he seems to have fully recovered with no lasting effects, so fingers crossed all will be well.
Well the best thing is that I was told there was no straight treatment for what my son had - so he wasn't pumped full of nasties. And of course there's always a chance that he could just have got better anyway without the homeopathy. Hopefully that'll be the case for you guys.
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