24 January 2007

Today we had the first snow of the winter. I haven't seen snow in London for years. There was about an inch of snow. Everything ground to a halt. In the news everyone seemed surprised by this - as though things don't always grind to a halt every time we have some mild deviation from normal weather.

However, I was greatly cheered to see someone had made a snow Piglet and placed it neatly outside my local branch of EAT.

It was very sweet.

I did my first interview ever today. I suspect my interviewing style is a little unorthodox, but fortunately there was someone from HR present at the interview to do all the actual asking useful questions bit.

I just wanted to know if I would get on with the potential candidate, if she could spell, could do things without asking a billion questions and wasn't likely to spend the whole day twiddling her thumbs and hiding on the smoking deck. Oh, and doesn't expect to be taken through the basic operation of a computer 20 times a week.

Yes, it is considered unorthodox to ask HR to leave the room while you try out attractive male candidate's snogging techniques.

As for the boring part of the interview, I suggest you ask them point-blank if they are one of those people that all the work in the organisation migrates towards because they actually get things done, or whether they are just another useless time-serving jobs-worth.
That's a good question. However, from the answers she was giving it sounded pretty much like she was the company's dogsbody a la myself.
Has the snow frozen your internet connection or something? Post, already!
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