5 December 2006

One of my friends, S, was stopped today by the police on her way to work. She asked why and the policewoman told her it was because she was walking too fast and so they had stopped her under the terrorism act. ????!*"&$£"????!!!

S said that she was late for work - hence the walking fast. Although, frankly, in London you're more likely to stand out if you walk slow - unless you're a tourist. I'm speechless...

Mind you, I forgot to note on my return from Porto a few weeks ago, that the Portuguese check-in staff photocopied my passport. BB was highly indignant and belligerently asked why they were doing it. Apparently, the British authorities have requested that they take copies of passports of anyone of Asian origin going to Britain - even if they have a British passport! And this country masquerades itself as being a democratic country. Pah! They were very apologetic about it though, and a bit embarrassed I think. Unlike the policewoman who stopped S this morning, who apparently was obnoxious and rude in every way.

S is black by the way. However, she looks not dissimilar to Thandie Newton and styles herself on Audrey Hepburn, so is probably the least likely looking person to be perpetrating an act of terror. Whilst one should not be taken in by appearances, all I can say is, 'Come on! What are they thinking?"

On another note, finally, I have moved into my office. Wah! I have my own office at work! Like in Working Girl, but not so high up. I have a view of Manchester Square and the Wallace Collection which is leafy and green. I also have business cards! I've never had business cards in my life. I feel like a real grown-up.

However, my new office is so full of boxes of all sizes and descriptions crammed full of Christmas gifts, filing, shoe and bag samples, Christmas cards, envelopes and other paraphenalia that people often come looking for me, fail to see me and then go away again. Perhaps that's a good thing...

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I thought your friend must be black or Asian-looking. Effing pigs - talk about abuse of power. Well, as I always say when someone behaves particularly badly, it must be punishment enough just being them. Imagine how small, stupid, mean, pathetic and insignificant you would have to feel on a regular basis to behave like that.

Congrats on the office. I'm picturing you as Rachel in Friends.
Sadly, people who behave like that are probably so used to it that they don't even notice how bad they feel. Until they get an ulcerated liver and die of some horrible cancer...

On my office - I guess I am a bit like Rachel in Friends now! There certainly is the staying late at work shouting at people because the order I requested didn't arrive - and I'm not even an assistant buyer.

Word verification 'jiapn' - funnily enough, very similar to the Mandarin for 'work overtime'.
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