2 September 2006

Phewee - that was a crummy week. Glad it's over. Had a cold and flu all week but still struggled into work as there was so much to do. Did a casting for some corporate airline thing - for which, I must add, I was perfect - but they clearly didn't think so.

Then, yesterday, took the car into the garage for a check-up and, on the tube to work, some idiot woman tripped behind me with an open-topped steaming latte and spilt the whole thing down my back - from about the middle of my back right down to the floor. Thank god I was wearing a raincoat. And though some might knock my previous employer, they definitely know how to make a good raincoat. It was just like water off a duck's back - except for the bit that soaked into my trouser leg.

Then I broke 4 champagne flutes at work - not in the cause of having some champagne unfortunately. And it was so manically busy due to major presentations and important announcement due on Monday and frantic meetings held in honour of said presentations and announcement.

The car is fine though - besides the bent bumper. So I can't be bothered to chase the old codger who bent the bumper. The aggravation would be too much.


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