6 July 2006

The laundrette has lost my favourite work blouse. I am distraught. It's so hard to find clothing that is halfway decent these days - flattering, nice detailing, comfy, easy to wash, doesn't need ironing and NOW IT'S GONE!!!! WAAAAHHH!

Went to try and find a replacement but even with all the money in the world, I couldn't find anything I liked. It's too sad.

Have discovered online scrabble which is highly addictive and can be played all year round with willing victims for the princely sum of $10.00. Anyone who fancies playing, I'm always up for a game. Only problem is that I'm registered on my work e-mail, which for some annoying reason I am unable to access from home, so I can only start a game when at work (though I can carry on at home once underway). Some might say work is not a good place to be playing scrabble, but I find it focuses the mind and gives one brief respite every few minutes (or so I say).


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