12 July 2006

Am sitting forlornly in the office at ten minutes to seven which I know pales in comparison to my sister blister. However, I am only a temp and a PA so am not usually required to work long hours as am paid by the hour. I think they've forgotten me, as I'm waiting for them to come out with a chart of exciting figures to plough into a spreadsheet for tomorrow's big board meeting and there's no sign of that happening in the near future.


My gym and dinner plans have been foiled. I was going to get our favourite siew yook dinner from Chinatown as it's but a stone's throw from the gym. Now, I'm miles from Chinatown, starving and a bit disgruntled.

Had a casting for Little Britain which went well but I don't think I've got the job. Neither have I heard from the PC game voiceover that the casting director assured me I had in the bag. Pah. I need a new agent. It's not her fault I haven't got the jobs, but I could sure do with a heck of a lot more castings.

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