8 April 2006

The Nintendo audition was most odd. We went in to the room in groups of three and one of the guys we were with had to wear reflective sunglasses because he had sensitive eyes. So they told him that probably wouldn't work and he left. Then, they got the other guy to do some breakdancing, mime taking fragile objects out of a suitcase and put them into a box really fast while looking angry/happy on command. Then he had to pretend to be various objects/animals in quick succession on command ie be a banana, a kiwi fruit, a giraffe, an egg etc.

Then all I had to do was stand very straight and take very small steps sideways quickly. On the director's clap, I had to take a big step and then resume small steps. Then I had to look angry/happy on command. That was it.

Either I dazzled them with my CV and they didn't need to see much, or they weren't interested and had to give me something to do just so I wouldn't feel entirely unwanted. Only time will tell...

Went to the Candy Bar (a lesbian bar) for E's birthday drinks last night. It was just like any slightly grungy bar. One of the blokes at work (who is straight) pulled - but not in a good way. He left soon after.


what is pulling but not in a good way in the context of a lesbian bar? did he pull a lesbian? or a gay guy? or just someone unattractive?
He pulled a gay guy who had a lesbian friend with him.
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