23 March 2006

Tis been a very long day. Mainly because the internet was down at work (so no entertainment), as was one of the printers (so no scanning, faxing or printing) and actually had a lot of work to do. Also, went to the gym at lunchtime because was working for ex-boss in the evening.

Just got home (at 22:00) and will shortly be partaking of M&S super Welsh lamb Shepherd's pie and a multipack of tenderstem broccoli, mangetout & carrots. It's a funny ol' mix as the mangetout will be mulch, while the carrots will be rock hard, with the broccoli some where in between.

Audition tomorrow. I should be suitably ill-rested after today. And then, work and then dinner for R's boyfriend. It's strange that he doesn't seem to want to go out with his friends on his birthday but is lumbered with R's friends instead.

We left prawn crackers on the counter last night but Mickey, the resident mouse, doesn't seem to have partaken. He must be hibernating.

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That M&S Welsh Lamb shepherd's pie is a real favourite of mine - delicious
Now you've brought my attention to it, I don't think I've partaken of their shepherd's pie for a while. I think I'll get some for dinner next week!
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