13 March 2005

Bath Bath

Nearing the end of the tour and am in the lovely town of Baden Baden. It's so good they named it twice - making it twice as good as our very own Bath, Somerset. And the baths are actually usable and about half the price of the projected cost of using the baths in Bath - making it four times as good. Ah well.

We have a lovely day planned in hot spa pools and saunas in turn. So we shall swell like plump grapes and then shrivel up like prunes and come out shiny and slightly red. Sounds enticing, no?

With luck we'll be so relaxed that we won't even notice we have two shows every day for the next five days. At least, I hope my ankles will hold out another week.

Yesterday was swell driving up from Ravensburg. It snowed horizontally, sleeted, rained heavily, then was sunny all at once. Watched A Beautiful Mind and was perplexed by Game Theory all over again.

Can't bear to think what it must be like to think that your best friends and people that are as real to you as any other people are just figments of your imagination. When you live in your head so much, what do you do when you can't rely upon your mind?

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your best friends are in your head, Bobs, we've been keeping it from ya
Aarrgh!!!! I´m a loony after all. I guess there were signs....
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